Newly planted trees face many difficulties in their fledgling stages, the key ones being the elements and roaming wildlife. Installing a tree stake and shelter combination can protect against these threats and give your trees a safe environment in which they can establish and grow.
Although staking and protecting a tree sounds like a simple process, if done incorrectly it could cause damage to your tree and actually prevent growth. This advice page will cover the key steps and procedures you need to consider when staking your tree and installing a tree shelter.
Staking a tree
Before installing a tree shelter, you will need to stake the tree as the stake will help hold up the shelter whilst also stablising the tree at the same time.
Ultimately, tree stakes need to be installed around a fists length away from the tree, any further and that could damage the trees roots, as the shelter can not be placed centrally over the tree and will pull it out of the ground over time.
If the stake is too close to the tree, it will rub and scrape the trunk when the shelter is applied or can force the trunk into an unnatural position, which is why a distance of around 2-3 inches (or a fists length) is recommended.
To install the stake, place it at the distance mentioned above on the uphill side of the tree and anchor it in using your shoe to ensure it is fully vertical. Once you are happy with the placement and orientation, pound the stake into the ground using a hammer or mallet.
Pounding the stake too deep into the ground means that when the tree shelter is applied, it will be difficult to zip tie it to the stake causing issues with the shelters placement long term. Make sure there is around 3-6 inches of stake left above where the top zip tie from the tree shelter will go for optimum results.
Installing a tree shelter
Although tree shelters are all different, the preparation and installation process is largely similar across the board.
In preparation for the tree shelter installation, make sure you prune and remove any twigs or small branches sticking out from the trunk that could affect the fit of the shelter and the ventilation within it.
Once pruned, simply slide the tree shelter over the trunk and lightly twist it as you slide it down to avoid catching any remaining branches and leaves.
Ensure the air holes in the shelter are at the top of the trunk, if installed incorrectly the tree will not get any ventilation and could die.
Once the tree shelter is firmly covering the tree, use two zip ties to secure it to the stake you installed earlier and your tree should be effectively staked and protected ready to establish and grow.If you have any further questions regarding the installation of tree stakes and tree shelters, email our team on sales@gardenersupplies.co.uk and we will be happy to help.
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